All posts by Postępy Mikrobiologii

Chorobotwórczość chlamydii środowiskowych dla ludzi i zwierząt

Pathogenicity of environmental chlamydiae for humans and animals
M. Pawlikowska-Warych, J. Palma, W. Deptuła

1. Wstęp. 2. Chlamydie środowiskowe chorobotwórcze dla ludzi i zwierząt. 2.1. Chorobotwórczość rodziny Parachlamydiaceae. 2.2. Chorobotwórczość rodziny Simkaniaceae. 2.3. Chorobotwórczość rodziny Rhabdochlamydiaceae. 2.4. Chorobotwórczość rodziny Waddliaceae. 2.5. Chorobotwórczość innych chlamydii. 3. Diagnostyka chlamydii środowiskowych 4. Podsumowanie

Abstract: More and more attention has been paid to environmental chlamydiae in recent years. They were classified as pathogenic bacteria for both humans and animals. Thanks to molecular biology techniques, the following nine families of environmental chlamydiae were assigned to the order of Chlamydiales: Candidatus Clavichlamydiaceae, Criblamydiaceae, Parachlamydiaceae, Candidatus Piscichlamydiaceae, Rhabdochlamydiaceae, Simkaniaceae, Waddliaceae, Candidatus Actinochlamydiacae and Candidatus Parilichlamydiaceae. These bacteria are considered the infectious factors of zoonoses due to the fact that they can be found among pets and livestock such as cats, guinea pigs, sheep, cattle, and even fish. Many of these animals also suffer from diseases caused by these bacteria. In this study, while characterizing environmental chlamydiae, special attention has been paid to illnesses of the respiratory tract caused by Simkania negevensis, and to the abortions among people and ruminants caused by Waddlia chondrophila. Furthermore, the species of the Rhabdochlamydiaceae family , as well as the bacteria from the Parachlamydiaceae family responsible for eye illnesses in humans and animals, are also characterized in this work. Lastly, newly discovered fish chlamydiae, which are potential factors of illnesses in humans and terrestial animals, are also presented in this paper.

1. Introduction. 2. Pathogenicity of environmental chlamydiae for humans and animals. 2.1. Pathogenicity of the Parachlamydiaceae family. 2.2. Pathogenicity of the Simkaniaceae family. 2.3. Pathogenicity of the Rhabdochlamydiaceae family. 2.4. Pathogenicity of the Waddliaceae family. 2.5. Pathogenicity of other chlamydia. 3. Diagnostics of environmental chlamydiae. 4. Conclusions

Podziemna komunikacja – nowe elementy szlaków sygnałowych arbuskularnej symbiozy mykoryzowej

Underground communication – the new elements of signalling pathways of arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis
K. Jas, U. Małolepsza

1. Wstęp. 2. Symbiotyczna natura grzybów arbuskularnych. 3. Wczesne etapy nawiązywania mykoryzy arbuskularnej. 4. Wymiana cząsteczek sygnałowych podczas formowania się mykoryzy arbuskularnej. 5. Kwas mewalonowy – wtórny przekaźnik cząsteczek sygnałowych w mykoryzie arbuskularnej. 6. Kinaza białkowa CCaMK jako kluczowy element w ustanowieniu mykoryzy arbuskularnej. 7. Podsumowanie

Abstract: Mycorrhiza is a symbiotic relationship between living cells of the roots of higher plants and non-pathogenic fungi which inhabit soil and belong to Glomeromycota (endomycorrhizae) and Basidiomycota, Ascomycota (ectomycorrhizae). Although the phenomenon of mycorrhiza was discovered by a Polish botanist F.D. Kamieński already in 1881, various stages of establishing the symbiotic relationship between the partners are still not fully understood and explained. According to the current knowledge, the roots of host plants release strigolactones, which stimulate germination and branching of spores of arbuscular fungi. As a result, the fungi synthesize molecular signals, i.e. chitooligosaccharides (COs) and lipochitooligosaccharides (LCOS), called MycF factors. Thanks to the development of molecular biology techniques the probable cascade of events during the recognition of fungal MycF factor by the host-plant has been outlined. The enzyme 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase 1 (HMGR1) and also its product, mevalonic acid (MVA), play an essential role in the biosynthesis of sterols and isoprenoids in a plant cell. The recent studies indicate that these compounds may also play a very important role during establishing of the symbiotic mycorrhizal relationship. It is believed that MVA detects and transmits MycF factor to a cell nucleus of a host-plant triggering numerous necessary mechanisms in the plant cell to activate next steps of the mycorrhizal symbiosis. The discovery of HMGR1 and MVA sheds new light on symbiotic nature of mycorrhiza. This paper is a review of the current knowledge on the signal exchange during symbiotic interactions between mycorrhizal fungi and host plants.

1. Introduction. 2. Symbiotic nature of arbuscular fungi. 3. Arbuscular mycorrhiza in early stages. 4. Exchange of signaling molecules during arbuscular mycorrhiza formation. 5. Mevalonic acid – secondary signaling molecule messengers in the arbuscular mycorrhiza. 6. Protein kinase CCaMK as a key element in the establishment of arbuscular mycorrhiza. 7. Summary

Candida auris – nowy patogen grzybiczy

Candida auris – emerging fungal pathogen
D. Grondalska, W. Kmieciak

1. Wprowadzenie. 2. Zakażenia Candida spp. 3. Nowy patogen grzybiczy – Candida auris. 3.1. Epidemiologia i chorobotwórczość. 3.2. Problemy identyfikacyjne. 3.3. Czynniki chorobotwórczości. 3.4. Lekooporność szczepów C. auris. 4. Działania prewencyjne. 5. Podsumowanie

Abstract: In recent years, the incoming information about the emergence of new superbacteria and superviruses has been causing growing anxiety. However, also fungi are with increasing frequency reported as the sources of intercontinental microbiological hazards. According to the latest reports, quickly spreading, multidrug-resistant and difficult to identify yeast Candida auris may soon become the center of attention for clinicians, laboratory diagnosticians and the groups of advisers on the hospital-acquired infections, also in Poland. Unfortunately, the methods employed in routine microbiological diagnostics in the Polish medical laboratories cannot reliably identify this dangerous species. It is, therefore, necessary to implement measures to develop this field.

1. Introduction. 2. Candida spp. infections. 3. New fungal pathogen – Candida auris. 3.1. Epidemiology and pathogenicity. 3.2. Difficulties with identification. 3.3. Virulence factors. 3.4. Drug resistance of C. auris. 4. Preventive actions. 5. Summary

Nitrozwiązki aromatyczne – charakterystyka i metody biodegradacji

Nitroaromatic compounds – characteristics and methods of biodegradation
A. Wysocka, A. Olszyna, I. Komorowska, M. Popowska

1. Wprowadzenie. 2. 2. Charakterystyka nitrozwiązków aromatycznych. 2.1. Właściwości chemiczne i synteza nitroarenów. 2.2. Syntetyczne nitrozwiązki aromatyczne. 3. Nitrozwiązki aromatyczne w środowisku. 4. Zagrożenia związane z nitrozwiązkami aromatycznymi. 5. Biodegradacja nitrozwiązków aromatycznych. 5.1.Mikrobiologiczna degradacja związków aromatycznych. 5.1.1. Degradacja tlenowa (aerobowa). 5.1.2. Redukcyjny rozkład nitroarenów. Rozkład beztlenowy (anaerobowy). 5.1.3 Degradacja nitrobenzenu – przykład alternatywnych ścieżek rozkładu. 6. Bioremediacja. 6.1 Bioremediacja związków nitroaromatycznych – przykłady realizacji. 6.1.1. Bioremediacja inżynieryjna in situ. 6.1.2. Bioremediacja inżynieryjna ex situ. 6.2. Ograniczenia procesu bioremediacji i strategie ich przezwyciężania. 7. Podsumowanie

Abstract: Nitroaromatic compounds are present in the environment mainly as industry products. They pose a serious risk to our health (often exhibiting strong mutagenic and carcinogenic effect) as well as to the environment. Most of the nitroaromatic compounds are stable due to considerable resistance to degradation and they persist in the environment for a long time. In this review, we present the current state of knowledge concerning biodegradation of nitroaromatic compounds. In the first part, general information regarding their proprieties, synthesis and sources as well as pathways of microbial aerobic or anaerobic degradation are described. In some cases microorganisms have evolved several pathways of degradation specific nitrocompound, for instance nitrobenzene, which we describe in detail. The second part of the publication focuses on environmental bioremediation of nitrocompounds.

1. Introduction. 2.2. Characteristics of aromatic nitrocompounds. 2.1. Chemical properties and synthesis nitroarenes. 2.2. Synthetic aromatic nitrocompounds. 3. The aromatic nitrocompounds in the environment. 4. Risks related to aromatic nitrocompounds. 5. Biodegradation of aromatic nitrocompounds. 5.1. Microbial degradation of aromatic compounds. 5.1.1. Aerobic degradation. 5.1.2. Reductive degradation nitroarenes. Anaerobic digestion. 5.1.3 Degradation of nitrobenzene – an example of alternative distribution pathway. 6. Bioremediation. 6.1. Bioremediation of aromatic nitro compounds – examples of implementation. 6.1.1. Bioremediation engineering in situ. 6.1.2. Bioremediation engineering ex situ. 6.2. Limitations of the bioremediation process and strategies to overcome them. 7. Summary

Chitynazy bakteryjne i ich wykorzystanie w biotechnologii

Bacterial chitinases and their application in biotechnology
A. Kisiel, E. Kępczyńska

1. Wprowadzenie. 2. Źródła chityny i jej struktura. 3. Chitynazy – budowa i działanie. 4. Bakterie produkujące chitynazy. 5. Rola chitynaz bakteryjnych w biotechnologii zielonej. 6. Wykorzystanie chitynaz w biotechnologii białej. 7. Wykorzystanie chitynaz w biotechnologii czerwonej. 8. Podsumowanie

Abstract: Chitin, an insoluble linear β-1,4-linked polymer of N-acetylglucosamine, is the second most abundant polysaccharide in nature after cellulose. It is present in cell walls of several fungi, exoskeletons of insects and crustacean shells. Enzymatic hydrolysis of this polysaccharide is carried out in the presence of glycoside hydrolases-chitinases. They are produced by microorganisms, insects, plants, and animal, but it is the bacterial chitinases which play a fundamental role in degradation of the chitin. Chitinases and their products, chito-oligomers, have been of interest in recent years due to their wide range of applications in agriculture, medicine and industry. This review focuses on the enzymatic properties of the bacterial chitinases and their potential applications in various kinds of biotechnology.

1. Introduction. 2. Sources of chitin and its structure. 3. Chitinases – structure and function. 4. Chitinase – producing bacteria. 5. The role of bacterial chitinases in green biotechnology. 6. Application of chitinases in white biotechnology. 7. Application of chitinases in red biotechnology. 8. Summary